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The Rose Revived

Bar & Restaurant

You will find us in the garden of The Rose Revived. 

On the bank of The River Thames.




Newbridge, near Standlake,

Oxfordshire, OX29 7QD


Situated on the A415 Abingdon to Witney Road.

Approx 2 miles from the junction with the A420 Oxford to Swindon Road.

Approx 8 miles from the A34.

Please contact The Rose Revived directly for information regarding their bar opening times, menus and reservations.  Tel: 01865 300221

Boat Hire on the River Thames.

Paddle Gondolas & Electric Punt Launches.

Hiring from the garden at The Rose Revived Inn.

Newbridge, near Standlake, Oxfordshire, OX29 7QD



Tel: 07753276145


For boating updates & news:

Please 'like' our facebook page 'Oxford Punts and Paddle Boats'

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